The symbolism is ancient, and I discuss it in All Things Made New. John himself is echoing Ezekiel's vision during the time of the Babylonian exile (1:10), and the image recalls the Babylonian sphinxes or composite creatures known as "cherubims". They also represent the four fixed signs of the Zodiac; that is, the four corners of the celestial cosmos: Aquarius the winged
man, Taurus the ox/bull, Leo the lion, and Scorpio the eagle. For Christians these are also the four Evangelists: Matthew, Luke, Mark, and John. We see them everywhere in Christian art. Perhaps when combined into a single figure, a Tetramorph, they can also be said to represent the integral human being, whose human face speaks for body (ox), soul (lion), and spirit (eagle).

It is not that all animals are angels (I think of a certain dog I know, for example), although on occasion angels have spoken through them. But I suspect each animals species is an angel, and so in heaven we will meet the angel of which our cat or dog or horse – or the more exotic animals we would not let anywhere near us – was an instantiation or expression. Is that a consoling thought, or a terrifying one?
Photo by Rose-Marie Caldecott
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